22 Dec 2023 We start the C-Sink Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) project approaches
The C-Sink project, financed by HORIZON EUROPE, began its journey on June 1, once the financing agreement has been signed by the European Union.
The objective of the C-SINK project is to deliver to the EC a comprehensive package of proposals to support a new or modified European legal/regulatory framework, allowing high-quality CDR technologies to be brought to the market. This package will contain pre-standards (in CEN format) that will cover the requirements and methodologies of sampling, testing, and QMS (ISO9000), on which to build monitoring, reporting, and verification systems. It will also include proposals to resolve: environmental, social impact, and governance issues, and the means to build trust in the market.
There are several CDR (Carbon Dioxide Removal) technologies that will be validated in the project and Edafotec will contribute to the CO2 sequestration in artificial soils.
Artificial soils made from suitable materials can store large amounts of Carbon over time, and contribute to the sequestration of additional Carbon, favoring the growth of plants and bacteria. Currently, there is very little data on the sequestration of atmospheric CO2 by artificial soils. This is why, throughout the project, experimental field work will be carried out for the modeling and validation of these measurements. In addition, the resulting data will support the formation of a methodology to certify carbon capture by artificial soils.