Author: desonhos

On 19/10/2021 the small-scale experiment of the BtoGSoils project started, which is being carried out in the laboratory of the INDUROT research group of the University of Oviedo. This experiment will allow us to know the lindane degradation capacity of different treatments, in which artificial soils, lindane degrading bacteria and biochar are combined. The most effective treatment will be selected for implementation in a pilot field experiment. This experiment is funded by the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) and co-financed by the European Fund for Rural Development, under the FEDER Galicia 2014-2020 operational programme.  ...

Today, 1st September 2021, officially starts the MINDINGSOILS project, the winning project of the European Mine The Gap call. MINE.THE.GAP is an innovation project funded by the European Commission as part of the INNOSUP programme. The main ambition of the MINE.THE.GAP call is to provide SMEs in the mining sector from eight different European countries with the necessary tools to improve their competitiveness, boost their growth and implement new services, solutions and/or products through cross-sector and cross-regional collaboration. The objective of the MINDINGSOILS project (Artificial soils with biochar applied to prevention of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) within circular economy framework) is to demonstrate, through a pilot test (TRL 7), innovative green technologies in the field of mine restoration and closure to prevent Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). The technology applied in the project is based on artificial soils, made from organic and inorganic waste from the mine and...

EDAFOTEC will participate in the EU Green Week (#EUGreenWeek) with an infoday on 18 May 2021 within the international initiative "4p1000 - "Soils for Food Security and Climate" with the event "Nature-based solutions for soils regeneration towards the circular economy". The 2021 edition of the EU Green Week will be held again from 31 May to 4 June 2021, with partner events taking place between 3 May and 13 June. This edition will be dedicated to the "Aiming for zero pollution" key action of the European Green Deal. Therefore, other relevant European Green Deal initiatives, such as climate initiatives and the forthcoming chemicals strategy, as well as initiatives in the fields of energy, industry, mobility, agriculture, fisheries, health and biodiversity will also be discussed. The EU Green Week 2021 will be an opportunity for all stakeholders and interested citizens to agree on how we can work together...

BtoGsoils started in February 2021 and will run until the end of 2022. During the course of the project, EDAFOTEC will carry out a pilot project in a public plot of the City of O Porriño, with the aim of decontaminating the area affected by lindane, using nature-based technologies. Lindane is an organochlorine pesticide widely used in the agri-food and pharmaceutical industry until the 1990s. This pesticide is highly polluting and persistent. Decontamination of areas affected by this pesticide will substantially improve the health and quality of life of people and habitats where it is currently present across Europe.  ...

BtoGsoils, "Greening brownfields. A circular technology for decontamination of industrial soils", a R&D project developed by EDAFOTEC received in 2020 the "Seal of Excellence" in the Green Deal call of the European Union's H2020 programme. As a result of this Seal of Excellence, the project has been co-financed by European funds (ERDF) through GAIN, the Galician Innovation Agency, and also has the support and collaboration of the City Council of O Porriño in Galicia. BtoGsoils started in February 2021 and will run until the end of 2022. During the course of the project, EDAFOTEC will carry out a pilot project in a public plot of the City of O Porriño, with the aim of decontaminating the area affected by lindane, using nature-based technologies. Lindane is an organochlorine pesticide widely used in the agri-food and pharmaceutical industry until the 1990s. This pesticide is highly polluting and persistent. Decontamination of...

On 18 March, Edafotec had the honour of participating in the 2021 Green Carbon Webinar Series, a series of seminars organised by Christian Wurzer, PhD student at the UK Biochar Research Centre, as part of the Green Carbon European Training Network. In the talk we gave, entitled "Application of biochar for soil decontamination", we wanted to highlight the fact that traditional technologies, commonly used in the remediation of contaminated soils, are costly and environmentally unfriendly. Biochar is an alternative to traditional technologies and has a high potential in the field of soil decontamination. Both individually and in combination with artificial soils, it is a more sustainable and cost-effective alternative and makes a significant contribution to achieving a circular economy and climate-neutral reality. For more information, you can watch the full talk at the following link:

EDAFOTEC, on March 29th, has been admitted as a full partner of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP). GSP is a United Nations mechanism, within FAO, created in 2012, with the mission to put soils on the Global Agenda through collective action. Its key objectives are to promote Sustainable Soil Management (SLM) and improve soil governance to ensure healthy and productive soils, supporting the provision of essential ecosystem services for food security and improved nutrition, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and sustainable development. The GSP is an open, interactive, responsive and voluntary partnership that includes FAO member countries and GSP partners: governmental organizations, universities, civil institutions, research centers, soil science societies, UN agencies, NGOs, private companies, farmers' associations, and donors. It is a pleasure for our company, and we look forward to making a positive contribution to its development.  ...

EDAFOTEC is one of 12 companies that have been selected from 153 proposals worldwide to participate in the next phase of selection of open innovation technologies for mine tailings management. EDAFOTEC is satisfied to be considered in a very specific competition, in which participants from all over the world took part....

EDAFOTEC apoya la iniciativa de la FAO en la celebración del Día Mundial del Suelo. El Día Mundial del Suelo (WSD) se celebra anualmente cada 5 de diciembre desde 2014, año en el que la ONU designó esta fecha a propuesta de la FAO un año atrás. Los orígenes de la idea se remontan a 2002 gracias al impulso de la Unión Internacional de Ciencias del Suelo (IUSS), la cual propuso este evento en el marco de la Alianza Mundial por el Suelo, un foro colaborativo surgido ante la necesidad de compartir experiencias sostenibles para recuperar un suelo que pensábamos era un recurso infinito. El objetivo de esta jornada es concienciar la población sobre la importancia de mantener ecosistemas saludables que garanticen el bienestar humano con una gestión eficiente del suelo. Hay que tener en cuenta que el suelo es un recurso vivo que alberga más del 25%...

Edafotec will participate in the virtual event AgriTech 4.0 on January 29 with a presentation on the use of artificial soils to rehabilitate degraded soils. The event is organized by Tech 4.0 and will explore the wide range of opportunities to improve agriculture and how new technologies will influence the agricultural environment during the next 25 years by providing sustainable solutions for food production. More than 300 international agricultural professionals, from both companies and universities, will participate in the event to analyze the strategic context of current and future programs and development in AgriTech.  ...