14 Oct 2020 EDAFOTEC supports the creation of the Ortegal GeoPark
EDAFOTEC, as a company concerned with the evolution of soils as a way of supporting life, supports the initiative before UNESCO for the creation of the Ortegal Geopark (https://proxecto.xeoparquecaboortegal.gal).
A Geopark is a territory that has a geological heritage of international importance and a high value for the knowledge of the history of the Earth. Geoparks are also management figures that seek to conserve, disseminate and enhance the value of geological richness as a basis for the sustainable development of the areas where it is located.
The proposal of this new geopark covers around 630 km2 of territory and slightly more than 28,000 inhabitants distributed in 57 municipalities and 1,211 entities of population that, in good part, are part of the so-called Geological Complex of Cape Ortegal, widely studied by specialized science since the mid-twentieth century.