Launch of the TERRASAFE Project

Launch of the TERRASAFE Project

From June 17 to 21, 2024, the first meeting of the TERRASAFE project took place, with EDAFOTEC participating alongside partners from 12 countries. The TERRASAFE project, funded by the European Union under the HORIZON EUROPE program, has the general objective of significantly empowering local communities in Southern Europe and Northern Africa to face the growing threats of desertification, especially those accelerated by climate change.

This will be achieved through the co-development, co-implementation, co-evaluation of cost-effectiveness, co-demonstration, co-dissemination, and co-promotion of the widespread adoption of nature-based, technological, and social innovations for the prevention and restoration of land degradation.

To this end, technologies will be implemented in pilot projects in Cyprus, Spain, Italy, Romania, and Tunisia. EDAFOTEC will participate in these pilots by providing technologies that contribute to better waste utilization, improve soil quality, and increase soil water retention.