Coverage of deposits at the Cerdedelo Tunnel (Spain)

Coverage of deposits of geological material extracted in the ADIF tunnel works in Cerdedelo

The Cerdedelo tunnel lies within the Portocamba-Cerdedelo section. It forms part of over 300 kilometres of newly built railway which starts in Olmedo (Valladolid) and runs as far as Santiago de Compostela.

Edafotec supplied of over 12,000 tonnes of Tecnosoils for this project, which were specifically designed to prevent acid water and erosion of deposits resulting from the extraction of geological material from the tunnel.

Untreated deposit from the Cerdedelo tunnel and contact area treated with Tecnosoil, in April 2015
(left) Untreated deposits from the Cerdedelo tunnel and (right) deposits treated with Tecnosoils (April 2015)

Cerdedelo, Ourense. Galicia. SPAIN




2014 - nowadays

Category Land, Landscape, Water