15 Jan 2024 TERRASAFE project is approved
TERRASAFE, a project in which EDAFOTEC Nature-Based Solutions participates as a partner, has just been approved by the European Union, within the Horizon Europe program. It is a pioneering initiative that aims to empower local communities in Southern Europe and North Africa to successfully face the growing challenges of desertification through the adoption of nature-based social and technological innovations.
TERRASAFE will be implemented in 5 pilot areas in Europe and North Africa that share a high vulnerability to desertification and simultaneously represent the 4 main types of desertification (vegetation decline, soil degradation, water scarcity and depopulation), with a high cultural and ecological social contrast.
The project is supported by a transdisciplinary consortium with partners from eleven countries, including universities and SMEs, such as EDAFOTEC, being these companies the ones that provide the innovations, which will be developed in the pilots.