At Edafotec we rehabilitate contaminated or degraded soils, water and environments

We adopt the Circular Economy as our own, not only for environmental reasons, but because we believe it is more efficient, at a time when resources are no longer unlimited


Greek, ἔδαφος, edafos, «soils», -λογία, psx logía, «study, treated»

Is a branch of science that studies the composition and nature of the soil in its relationship with plants and the environment around it.

Edaphology is supported by several scientific and applied branches that are related particularly to physics, chemistry and biology.


  • TERRASAFE, a project in which EDAFOTEC Nature-Based Solutions participates as a partner, has just been approved by the European Union, within the Horizon Europe program.  I

  • On October 2, the results of the call for pre-commercial Ports 4.0 projects, organized by Puertos del Estado, were published. EDAFOTEC’s proposal, Puerto Residuo 0, a

  • The C-Sink project, financed by HORIZON EUROPE, began its journey on June 1, once the financing agreement has been signed by the European Union. The objective of the C-SINK

News in our blog

  • EDAFOTEC apoya la iniciativa de la FAO en la celebración del Día Mundial del Suelo. El Día Mundial del Suelo (WSD) se celebra anualmente cada 5 de diciembre desde 2014, año

  • EDAFOTEC, as a company concerned with the evolution of soils as a way of supporting life, supports the initiative before UNESCO for the creation of the Ortegal Geopark (htt


years of experience


projects undertaken



We work with